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Story Night: Cravings

Radio City Calle Santa Teresa 19, Valencia, Spain

FEBRUARY 23 / 18:00-20:00
En Route Story NIght: Cravings! Stories of things our storytellers could not live without. Especially those that are just out of reach or forbidden!


Storytelling Workshop

Co-Work Up Calle Carlos Cervera 14, Valencia, Spain

MARCH 22 / 09:30-14:00
Join us for a dynamic 4-hour workshop where you'll dive into the art of storytelling. This interactive session IN VALENCIA will guide you through crafting and presenting your personal stories with impact, using a proven storytelling framework.


Story JAM: Impossible

Radio City Calle Santa Teresa 19, Valencia, Spain

March 30 / 18:00-20:00
En Route: Story Jam! This is an open podium for anyone who wants to tell a story. Throw your name it the hat and when it gets pulled, you are up!
