Stakes are what give a story urgency and energy. They create tension. They fill the listener with excitement or dread, and they give them a reason to go on this ride with you. Clear stakes establish why you care, which tells us why we should care.
The story must go deeper than an anecdote. Why did this story leave a lasting effect? Who were you at the beginning and who were you at the end? How were you changed? How do you live your life differently as a result of the events in the story?
Every good story hinges on a decision. Always, at the story's core, will be one key decision. In the most powerful stories, your decision will be a tough one. What happened is of less importance; Your audience really wants to know what you decided to do about what happened.
Everyone is full of stories. Sometimes it is hard to choose one. We wrote down some cues to get you going!
Stood to gain or lose something that mattered to you.
Changed a belief you held.
Changed your relationship with someone.
Had a moment when everything came into focus.
Made a tough choice for the right (or wrong) reason.
Tried to be something or someone you aren't.
Found yourself saying: I do!/I won't!/Hell no!/I dare you.
Did something you never thought you'd do.
Send us a short synopsis of your story and try to identify your stakes, transformation and theme.
(For upcoming themes, please see our calendar.)
Our Story Directors will get back to you as soon as possible to set up an appointment for a call.
When your story is selected we will guide you all the way until you tell it in front of an audience on stage!
We hope to hear from you soon!