en route


brave spaces

En Route's mission is to create a platform where courage and empathy thrive, connecting speakers and audiences through the immersive power of live storytelling

En Route is a platform for anyone who wants to share personal stories of meaningful experiences in front of a live audience.

It is a community where the audience gets to experience life through someone else’s eyes, as the speaker shares moments of revelation, change, decisiveness and vulnerability through the art of storytelling. 


In offering up these experiences for reflection, learning and connection, we create a space of shared understanding and empathy; more often than not, leaving both the storyteller and the audience deeply moved, bursting with laughter, in tears, or with seeds for transformation.


This journey of sharing and listening, is an embodiment of the symbiotic relationship between us and our stories, continually evolving together.

As Carl Rogers beautifully put it, “What you are to be, you are now becoming.” Or as we like to say: by telling our story, we find ourselves perpetually EN ROUTE.


A sense of belonging is quintessential to our wellbeing, and contribution is one of the major factors in achieving it. En Route is all about contributing.


The courage to get on stage and be a little more "naked" than you think you should be. How much you are accepted, depends on how much you put on the table.


Through empathy we get to experience the world from different viewpoints. When we truly listen, our mirror neurons fire and we create moments of connection.


All good things start with awareness, and the primary method of gaining awareness is reflection. For a compelling story to be told the storyteller has to look inside.


Play happens when you feel safe enough to try things out. Play is a state of creativity and flow. Only in play we can truly be ourselves.

From the founder

creating belonging

I haven’t lived in my home country for many years. Most recently I relocated to Spain and experienced that profound sense of loneliness that comes with living in a new place.


I enrolled in different communities and quickly found a group of friends to hang out with, but something seemed to be missing, and it was pulling me down. A real sense of belonging did not seem to come despite all my efforts.  


Only upon further reflection I realized that the sense of belonging I felt in other locations I’ve lived, was strongly connected, not to what communities I was in, but to the way I contributed to my community. 


En Route is my way to contribute and pay it forward to the people in my chosen place of residence, but more than that, En Route is a platform for everyone to experience the joy of contribution. 


When you are on stage and you tell your story, you are bringing something of yourself to the audience. And in return, the audience gives you their ear.  

Oki Alexander


En Route is set up as a non-profit organization. Proceeds will be reinvested to promote the art of storytelling and empower those without a voice find one.